Changing Parameters

Monday, September 05, 2005

Slippery When Wet

Today I wiped out going into Colleen’s office building. It was raining and I was wearing flip-flops with no tread and I stepped on a particularly slippery surface, (made even more slippery when wet) and my foot just slid out from under me. I tried to catch myself with my right hand, but my hand slid too, and I wound up completely splayed across the entrance to Colleen’s building. No one stopped to see if I was OK. It felt just like home!

I limped into Colleen’s building where I met some of her co-workers. Colleen told one of them that I fell, and she said, “Oh, so you have many problems – first you get lost this morning and now you fall!”

It was true. I do have a lot of problems. And I had gotten lost this morning. I woke up at 6:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I decided to take a run since I’m getting way behind on my training. I had explored Ginza, the area near where Colleen lives, yesterday (got lost then too), so I felt I could venture a little further today and still find my way back – or at least find my way back to where I had gotten lost yesterday.

I ran through Ginza and then I saw some green in the distance, so I headed that direction. I found my way all the way to Hibiya Park – a lovely “western style” park with ponds and fish and lots of stray cats.

After running around the park, I left a different way than I had come in, but I figured it was close enough and I’d find my way.

I really should have known better.

Long story short, I got lost. I did finally find a map along a side street somewhere in Chuo City, and from that I was able to find my way back. Colleen was about ready to form a search party.

So yes, lost and then broken. And here I sit now in Colleen’s apartment, icing my toe and hoping it isn’t broken.

So, since it looks like I’ll be spending this rainy afternoon inside with my foot up instead of at the Sumo Wrestling Museum, I will take this opportunity to catch up on my blogging.


  • hello, i didnt have much to do so i just started roaming around the net. i found your blog. Neat! i thought i would say hey. -JA

    By Blogger Johnny Anonymous, at 1:20 AM  

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