Changing Parameters

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Lighten Up

So the sun finally came out and made me feel better this weekend. I ran for the first time in weeks on Sunday and felt pretty good during and afterwards. OK, that's a lie. The during part sucked, but the after part was OK. It was good to know that the first time back was out of the way and it would just get easier from here.

Unfortunately, I haven't seen the sun since. I worked all weekend and have worked late every night this week. It's Wednesday night and I haven't run since Sunday. I'm supposed to be at the team run right now, but instead I'm sitting at work waiting for some copies to be made so I can approve them and then finally get out of here. But the running is a lost cause at this point.

And I am very unhappy about it.

I swore to myself I wouldn't let this happen. I'd just tell them no when I had personal committments. I wouldn't let work stand in the way of things that were important to me. But when there is a deadline and no one around to help or take over for you, what can you do?

Other than look for a new job, that is.

Not that I'm blogging about my job, because I'm not that stupid. I would never blog about work. And I'd certainly never do it at work. I'd do it at home if I did it at all. But that would imply that I had time to do anything outside of work, which I don't. So clearly, I can't be blogging about work. It's just not possible.

So, to be honest, I'm fighting back golfball sized tears right now. Tears of frustration and disgust and exhaustion and hunger. I just want to get out of here. I know it's not Guantanamo Bay or anything, but it's bad enough to moan and complain about.

On a lighter note, I was watching an episode of Law & Order last night as I made fried eggs at 10:30 p.m. and this character, who happened to be a gay janitor, was being charged with murder. And he said, "Typical. Blame the gay janitor." And I thought, yes, it's true, I do always blame the gay janitor. Don't we all?

Anyway, that made me laugh really hard. I wondered if the actor was like, "Dude, are you sure that this line is right? I've never personally blamed a gay janitor for anything." Clearly I'm a bit loopy, but still, it made me laugh and that's worth something.

I just got the copies back and they look fine (not great, but what can you do), so I'm going to see if someone will un-shackle me.


  • Given the opportunity, I always blame the gay janitor.

    PS. hnchi

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:39 PM  

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