Changing Parameters

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I took my last final yesterday. Finally. Done with school. Grades so far look good. Only three weeks until I start graduate school, which I expect will make these prerequisites I've been bitching about all summer look like child's play. Check this out:

Mondays and Wednesdays
8:00 a.m. Neurology
10:00 a.m. Phonological Disorders
Tuesdays and Thursdays
8:30 a.m. Advanced Speech Science
12:30-4:30 Language Acquisition (just Tuesdays, but notice that this is a FOUR hour class!)

I'm sorry, but clearly the people doing the scheduling don't know me at all. This Neurology at 8 a.m. thing is not going to work. Who can I talk to about that? Needless to say, I'm a bit worried. My new roommate is a morning person (oh joy), and I'm hoping that she can help get me out the door, at least for the first week when my body is in shock at having to be up at that ungodly hour. If that doesn't work, I may have to plan to sleep on campus four nights a week. Preferably in the neurology classroom.

The good news is that, in addition to finishing my last final, I also moved all of my furniture to Columbus over the weekend, so that's another big job to cross off the list. Now I just have to get myself there and get settled next weekend.

Yes, that's me driving that 16' truck! Yikes! Get out of the way!

When I say that I moved all my furniture in, what I mean is that I helped as my (not-so-) little brother Zack hefted my furniture up the steep, narrow flight of stairs to my new apartment. I don't know what I'd do if he hadn't grown up to be so tall and strong.

That couch... up those stairs?!!!

I found a couch, chair and ottoman on craigslist for $150 the day before the move, and somehow, after some creative money juggling, worked it out to afford the moving truck rental and the new (used) living room set.

Here it is, after hours of steam cleaning, spot treatment, and then having to break off the legs of the couch to get it through the door of the new apartment:

New Living Room

me in my new HUGE chair

Zack, making the big chair look less big.

The chair is the first thing you see when you walk in the living room, which I love (can you tell that I love the chair?)

Kelly, my new roommate, has done a great job with the kitchen:

the new kitchen table Kelly found. she is recovering the chairs with the bright yellow and green fabric. very nice.

isn't it great?!

And here is my room, which looks very nice with the bedroom furniture my mom got for me years ago at an auction:

my room

look how nice the trunk my Grandmother refinished for me looks!

looks pretty nice!

view of living room from my room when the big double doors are open

view of my room from living room (the obvious problem with the big doors being open is that I'll have to keep my room clean -- we'll see how long that lasts!)

I'm very excited about the apartment. I think it already looks great, and it's just going to get better.

More to come.


  • My apartment envy cup runneth WAY over. Gorgeous place. 8:00am class? Is that legal?

    By Blogger Gina, at 7:56 PM  

  • umm. did you know that neurology was even an option? that would have sent me running to Katherine Gibbs.
    Love love the furniture!

    ps QLNXC - rapper name of that loveable jailhouse scamp, Klinksie, main character of the new NBC must-see TV sitcom, "Behind Barzzzz"

    By Blogger Unknown, at 3:12 AM  

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