Changing Parameters

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

No Valentines Day For Me?

So I hailed a cab after going to the doctor the other day -- hobbled over on my crutches and tried not to hurt myself stumbling in. The cabbie sees me with my air cast and crutches and says: "No Valentines Day for you!" I said, "What?" And he said, "You hurt -- you come from doctor -- no Valentines Day for you!"

That doesn't seem fair, does it? No Valentines Day for gimps?

As if to say, "We have saying in my country. No one loves a cripple."


  • Poor Joanna. But it's true- gimps don't get no respect.

    ps: jlfpfz ( a new soft drink!)

    By Blogger Unknown, at 1:00 PM  

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