And the Scale Laughs On
I'm sure you have been dying of curiosity, so I'll just spill. Have I lost any weight?
YES! (cue fanfare)

Last week, according to our high-tech doctor's scale at work, I had lost a whopping .4 pounds. (That's point four. Not four. In case you weren't sure.)
But today when I stepped on the scale, it said that I had actually lost... wait for it... 3 pounds.
I know I should have been thrilled, but it was hard to be overjoyed by this small victory. It didn't make any sense. A month of grueling exercise and strict dieting had gotten me nowhere. But after one weekend spent eating and napping, I finally lose a few pounds? How is this fair?
Easter Weekend
I had planned to be good. I really had. I even did my 25 minute run in the sleet on Friday. But the evil forces were too strong. And I was outnumbered.
Mom and Zack made lamb, roasted potatoes and asparagus.
Bill baked a ham.
Zack brought brie smothered with caramel, walnuts, and cranberries, along with truffle patte.
Beck's brother sent over homemade chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs.
And Ethan whipped up a batch of his homemade mayonnaise. (Yes, mayonnaise. For what, you may ask? To which I counter, does mayonnaise really need a reason?)
Add to that a few pounds of jelly belly jelly beans and Easter m&ms, and you've got an all-out pig-out.
So I expected the scale to break under my weight, but instead it revealed my first success.
I'm sure there is a lesson here. If you work too hard for something you'll never get it? Seems counter-intuitive. But maybe it's true.
If that's the case, I plan to rethink all this hard work.
According to the scale, hard work is for assholes.
(And in case you were wondering, homemade mayo with chocolate covered peanut butter eggs? Delicious.)
YES! (cue fanfare)

Last week, according to our high-tech doctor's scale at work, I had lost a whopping .4 pounds. (That's point four. Not four. In case you weren't sure.)
But today when I stepped on the scale, it said that I had actually lost... wait for it... 3 pounds.
I know I should have been thrilled, but it was hard to be overjoyed by this small victory. It didn't make any sense. A month of grueling exercise and strict dieting had gotten me nowhere. But after one weekend spent eating and napping, I finally lose a few pounds? How is this fair?
Easter Weekend
I had planned to be good. I really had. I even did my 25 minute run in the sleet on Friday. But the evil forces were too strong. And I was outnumbered.
Mom and Zack made lamb, roasted potatoes and asparagus.
Bill baked a ham.
Zack brought brie smothered with caramel, walnuts, and cranberries, along with truffle patte.
Beck's brother sent over homemade chocolate-covered peanut butter eggs.
And Ethan whipped up a batch of his homemade mayonnaise. (Yes, mayonnaise. For what, you may ask? To which I counter, does mayonnaise really need a reason?)
Add to that a few pounds of jelly belly jelly beans and Easter m&ms, and you've got an all-out pig-out.
So I expected the scale to break under my weight, but instead it revealed my first success.
I'm sure there is a lesson here. If you work too hard for something you'll never get it? Seems counter-intuitive. But maybe it's true.
If that's the case, I plan to rethink all this hard work.
According to the scale, hard work is for assholes.
(And in case you were wondering, homemade mayo with chocolate covered peanut butter eggs? Delicious.)